Resolutions: from obligation to celebration
13 December, 2022
After the holiday season, we tend to return to serious things and to equally serious resolutions: the “I want” which take root in the “must”.
I want/need to eat better
I want/need to cook more
I want/need to get back in shape
I want/need to keep the house clean
I want/need to stop procrastinating
What if, after so many years of “classic” resolutions, we allowed ourselves to change our mindset by approaching resolutions as so many opportunities for daily celebration?
Every day I will celebrate my health and my ability to move.
Every day I will celebrate the abundance of textures, flavors and colors that come with fruits and vegetables.
Every day I will celebrate my love from the comfort of my home.
It may seem trivial, but sometimes a change of perspective is all we need.
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