Difficult behaviour, prevention is better than cure.

24 January, 2020

There is an old adage that says, "Prevention is better than cure!" That, in my view, is particularly true in education. It is important to take precautions, to put things in place in order to avoid the maximum possible future difficulties. It is easier to prevent a behaviour that is difficult to appear, than to attempt to make it disappear once it becomes apparent. The creation of a structured and structured family life has far more positive consequences than you can imagine. In addition to soothing the parent by reducing its mental load, it allows for the prevention of difficult behaviors that promote even family life, but also the social and school life of children.
Why put in place a system of positive reinforcement? My children go well and it doesn't bother me as long as they do little in the house. Why set up a quiet return wedge? My child is making a few crises, it's normal and it's going to happen over time. Why use a family planner? I have everything to record my appointments on my phone and to remind me of everything I have to do. Why put a routine in place? It's boring and I don't have the energy and constancy to hold it. The answer to all these questions is: to structure your family life allows your child to develop well and ensures that the small, difficult behaviours he tends to adopt remain passengers and do not transform into a behavioural disorder.
In the first place, I would say to you that all the means that you will put in place to help your child grow well, and the time and energy that you give it, will help to build the sense of attachment between you and him. SACRO SAINT SENTIMENT D' ATTACHEMENT! "In the course of the activities, and every time the parent and the child do something together, it is in the way the parent takes care of his child, it is also when the parent learns to his child to make choices and help to become responsible and more autonomous than develops a good attachment relationship," according to Dr. Chicoine.
So if you give the Daily Magasin Daily tokens to your child and once a week you count with him the accumulated chips to see the fruit of his efforts is that you are interested in him, that you have his development at heart and that you care about his education. This is not the only way to achieve this, but it is an excellent one. It is very safe for your child to feel that you are taking care of him and his good development.
The same thing happens when you use the Quiet Return Kit and you create a quiet return corner in which it will feel well. For him, this means that you find it important to take the time to help him understand and manage his emotions. As the authors of the book " Difficult Behaviour ... What to do? "to the Éditions du Chu Ste-Justine" to create a secure parent-child attachment helps build a good self-esteem: the child needs to feel loved and accepted. The affectionate gestures, the words of encouragement and congratulations help to foster the self-esteem of young people and they need them." The kit helps you do this in one of the most difficult times for the parent: learning how to manage emotions.
Setting up routines, repetitive ways of doing things, and highlighting them through visual cues such as family planners, magnetos and routine bracelets, not only helps to secure your child by strengthening the attachment relationship, but also helps to maintain living conditions that prevent difficult behaviours. Food routines, physical activity routines, regular sleep hours, hygienic routines, control of screen time are all protective factors against difficult behaviors.
So we start early and we try to be constant because in the long run it pays!