There is a party? I get involved in the preparations!
17 June, 2019
Receive or be received? Ola! The big question! I don't know about you, but for me (with my four minis under the age of 6!), It's much easier to get people home than going out with the tribe! Children are in their business, it is also easier to follow the routine. Usually it's more Zen! Even if we have several children, I want my house to be tidy and clean when we receive people. In other words, I want everything to be to my taste! I make lists of things to do (household chores, food to prepare, etc.). Lots of things to think about and I want everything to be ready on time! As we linger over the preparations, what do we do with the children? Take care of toddlers; meet their needs; intervene; managing conflicts ... while picking up, cleaning and cooking ... We may be multitasking moms and dads, it is often a feat! With us, we can send them to play outside or put a film on them to try to keep them occupied. My thoughts led me to question myself on this way of doing things ... Why keep them so? Why not involve them in the preparations? They're still small, but if I start including them early in the tasks, it will (I hope) become natural. I just have to take the time to do it! And if we were to challenge ourselves to involve our little ones more ... In this article, I will present some little ideas that I myself would like to practice at home with my minis. For the sake of transparency, I tell you from the start, I have not tested them yet. I take up the challenge at the same time as you and I make great efforts to let go and give responsibility to my children when we expect guests! Let's go!
- Have a finger in the pie!
- Knife Fork Spoon!
- On the menu, tonight ...
- A place for everyone and everyone in their place!