The development of creativity in children: suggested activities to better support your child
01 April, 2023
The evolution of creativity in children
Suggestions for activities to better support your child
Creativity is considered one of the executive functions , representing a set of so-called high-level cognitive processes that are directly linked to the developmental evolution of the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Thus, it will evolve according to brain maturation and will emerge from the first year to become more complex over time and according to the experiences lived by the child. So, how can we increase a child's ability to create, organize, plan and be cognitively flexible ? Here is a short list of suggestions for situations to regularly offer to your child to support the development of their executive functions .
For children aged 0 to 2 years:
- Offer him different textures to explore (sand, water, dry pasta, modeling clay, kinetic sand, water beads) while ensuring that it is safe and supervised
- Offer him materials to leave traces (paper, paint, pencils) and let him manipulate them as he wishes.
- Arrange various accessories (hats, mittens, scarves) and place the child in front of a mirror so that he can explore them as he wishes.
- Let him hear different musical styles
- Tell stories
For children aged 3 and over:
- Provide him with accessories and characters to allow him to create scenarios
- Offer him disguises that he can use in his own way
- Allow him to handle different musical instruments
- Reading books of different genres (stories, poems, plays)
- Provide him with motor equipment (balls, sticks, ropes, cones, etc.) so that he can organize his own motor skills courses or sports activities.
Finally, know that, ideally, no matter what equipment and situations we offer children, we must above all know how to give them time to do things by themselves. Letting them get bored allows their creativity to flourish!
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