Miss Tidy-Up presents the four organizational styles she has determined over her many years of experience as a space organization specialist ; so, whether you are an atom, constellation, shooting star or rather a black hole, she offers you her valuable advice to facilitate the storage of your objects and the organization of your space according to the characteristics of your personality and two criteria to take into account, namely the degree of categorization and the degree of visual.
Style 1: The shooting star
Highly visual, the shooting star's storage is more functional when thought of in terms of broad categories. A little distracted and very creative, she lets herself get dragged along easily and likes to see the objects she owns in order to make sure she doesn't forget them.
Style 2: The Black Hole
Black hole storage is also more functional when thought of in terms of broad categories. Easily stressed by clutter, the black hole prefers surfaces devoid of objects and well-stocked drawers and cupboards.
Style 3: The constellation
Although visual like the shooting star, the constellation's arrangement is more effective when thought of in terms of small categories. Generally well organized, it nevertheless has many objects that it often has difficulty getting rid of.
Style 4: The atom
The atom prefers clean surfaces and storage designed according to very small categories. An innate and very Cartesian organizer, she often tends towards minimalism and appreciates very detailed organizational systems.
Curious to learn more about these four organizational styles and the storage systems that work for each ? Check out this video, and don't forget to download your little hack !
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