When it comes to organizing children's games and toys, it is important to do so in a way that makes them easily accessible and easy to store for little ones, thus facilitating the development of their autonomy. To achieve this, here are some practical tips and points to consider offered by Mlle Range-tout, professional organizer:
Board games: opt for using cabinets or bookcases where you can place the games vertically so that they are easily visible and accessible.
Small games and toys: store them ideally inside open bins or baskets, without lids, to allow children to have easy access to them. For efficient storage, take the time to identify them well!
Stuffed animals and large toys: to integrate them more easily into your family living space, consider using laundry baskets or decorative chests that will blend in well with your living environment.
Puzzles: To make the puzzles easier to complete, be sure to keep the pieces in their original box.
Finally, consider rotating toys to further manage possible clutter and maintain a sense of novelty for children. Also, don't hesitate to involve young and old in the organizing and tidying process to help them develop their organizational skills and precious autonomy!
For more tips and tricks , take a few minutes to watch this video from Mlle Range-tout!
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