Four easy steps to tidy up the playroom and come up with Christmas gift ideas

07 November, 2022

With Christmas approaching and new toys soon to hit the playroom, November is the best time of year to sort through kids' toys and think about what could be added to their selection . To help your little ones select the items they want to keep and effectively declutter their space , take the time to follow these simple steps!

1st step:

Download and print our guide to decluttering the playroom , and take a moment with the children to sort out the toys and thus select what will be kept, what can be given away and what will unfortunately have to be thrown away. !

2 step:

It's the long-awaited moment to write the letter to Santa Claus ! Our downloadable template will allow your children to determine what they want more than anything in the world, what they would like to have and what they would rather need. This way of proceeding will not only avoid many disappointments, but will also allow you to guide your children as to their suggestions , by offering them toys that correspond to your family values.

3rd step:

Print and distribute to family and friends who wish to offer presents to your children our little combination of gift ideas that will please parents and children alike . This will allow them to select new toys that will not only appeal to your children, but which will also last over time and thus promote responsible consumption .

4th step:

When the sorting of the playroom is complete and you have determined together what would be interesting to add to the children's section, take a moment to classify all the toys by category in the bins provided for this purpose. . To make storage easier later, you can also get our storage labels for the playroom to clearly identify each of the bins!

Want to find out more? Watch the video made by Dominique right here !