Asian Pork Ramen Soup for Lunch Box

A comforting ramen-inspired soup that's easy to carry and assemble at the office.


15 min
10 min

  • Ingredients

    • 4 sachets of Hue broth
    • 400g of fondue pork
    • 4 servings of ramen noodles
    • 2 carrots, julienned
    • 2 green onions, chopped
    • 1 Chinese cabbage, chopped
    • 4 eggs, soft-boiled (optional)
    • Soy sauce to taste
  • Preparation

    -Cook the pork quickly in the pan

    -Prepare the broth according to the instructions

    -Pour the hot broth into the thermos

    -Distribute meat and vegetables in separate containers

    -Wrap the noodles individually

    -Transport eggs separately if desired

For the adventurers

Notes and tips

Notes and tips

Fondue pork cooks very quickly
Vegetables remain crisp separately
Add ginger to the broth
The noodles cook in 2-3 minutes
The meat can be prepared the day before
Add sriracha sauce to taste
Assemble when ready to serve
Chinese cabbage adds crunch