Coconut-chocolate tarts

They can be prepared in just five minutes using store-bought mini Graham crackers; with their dark chocolate and coconut milk, they are just the right amount of sweetness to satisfy the sweet tooth of young and old alike!


5 min
5 min
Freezes for six months.

  • Ingredients

    • 6 mini graham pie crusts
    • 2 tbsp butter
    • 2 cups of good quality dark chocolate, minimum 70%
    • 1 can of 398 ml coconut milk
  • Preparation

    1. In a bain-marie or in the microwave, melt the butter with the chocolate.
    2. Once the mixture is melted, add the coconut milk.
    3. Pour the chocolate mixture into the tartlet bases and place in the fridge for at least an hour before serving.

For the adventurers

Notes and tips

Garnish with fresh berries when serving.

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