Seven Kind Commandments for New Parents

  1. The learner's mind, you will adopt.
  2. Your definition of success, you will prepare to see transform.
  3. Your family DNA will define (and review often) you.
  4. The waves will follow you.
  5. B+ you will aim for.
  6. A win-win approach you will adopt.
  7. You will arrange space and time for the essentials.
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Editorial by Dominique

Preparing for the birth of a child and then bringing him into the world is, each time, a unique experience. I confirm to you, after giving birth to my seventh child, that each story is unique and has surprises in store for us.

Admit that we will never get tired of telling our childbirth stories. I believe that deep down, unconsciously, if we tell them constantly it is to make sure that our memory never forgets each of the little details that make up these stories so strong in meaning and emotion. In addition, reliving these sweet moments rekindles the flame that unites us to our better half, because it is undoubtedly the most powerful moment that we will have experienced together.

Having a child is the beginning of a great love story, for two, three, four or even nine! These stories are so wonderful that they deserve to be lingered over, to be prepared just enough, but not too much to give all the space to love and emotions. It is with this in mind that we created the New Baby Special File. We have gathered in one place everything you need not only to prepare, but also to live the arrival of a new baby. Lists, tips, advice, recipes to prepare in advance, a logbook, shower ideas, tips to better organize and store baby items, EVERYTHING is there! Now, focus on your belly and live the adventure without worries, we'll take care of the rest!


    The baby blues

    Our collaborator Laurence, author and professor of psychology, talks to you about the baby blues and helps you normalize it with her story and advice.

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    Storing baby clothes

    Miss Tidy-Up gives you her tips and favorite items to make rotating baby clothes easier.

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The practical guide

Want to always have all the lists available in our practical guide at hand? Find them all for free on our Octave app!

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Keep moving

Sarah, founder of Bougeotte et Placotine, gives you her tips for maintaining healthy lifestyle habits and continuing to move with the arrival of the new baby.

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The shower

Here are some ideas for a new kind of shower, to suggest to those around you for an original and practical shower that meets your needs.

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Meal planning

The first few weeks with a newborn are magical, but they’re not always easy. Make life easier by making these six delicious batch cooking recipes. Nutritious meals that are easy to freeze and reheat after birth make meal planning and preparation a breeze.

Budgeting for baby's arrival

Our collaborator and financial expert, Ms. Dominique Lépine, shares her advice for establishing a budget for the first year of your baby's life and all the years that follow. This way, you won't have any unpleasant surprises and can easily add the costs to be expected to your budget.

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The list of essentials

We have prepared a list of basic essentials to have to prepare for the arrival of your baby, which you can complete with other items according to your needs.