Complete guide to back to school

05 August, 2024 • Par Natacha Langlois

Back to school to-do list

Even though you would probably like to extend your vacation a little longer, you have to face the facts: the start of the school year will be knocking on our doors very soon! And, to be well prepared, take the time to print and place this practical reminder in a visible place, which will allow you to make sure you don't forget anything before the big day!

The famous lunches

If you're like us, you're probably dreading the fact that you'll soon have to start making lunches for your kids again! To help you out, here are some recipes that will fit perfectly in the lunch box, in addition to ideas for dinners that can be put together quickly when your alarm clock hasn't rung one morning or you're simply lacking inspiration!

Cold lunches:

Perfect recipes for the thermos:

Got up late? Don't feel like cooking a recipe especially for your kids' lunch? Always keep this handy little trick on hand so you have ideas for foods to put together that will make a tasty and nutritious lunch in no time!

The little Belles Combines trick? Take advantage of this little trick to develop your children's autonomy by asking them to assemble their own dinner from this list! This label stuck directly on their lunch box will also allow them to make sure they haven't forgotten anything!

Finally, to make lunches more fun and add a little touch of magic from time to time, why not include a little funny note specially designed for the lunch box? We have some suggestions for you here , but feel free to write your own!

Not forgetting the famous snacks

We know that your kids not only need a lunch every day, but they also need two snacks! Here are some perfect recipes, quick to cook and without nuts or peanuts that will satisfy all those little cravings!

And, in bulk, some suggestions for snacks that will certainly keep your little ones and adults fed!

  • A fruit (apple, pear, orange, grapes, banana, etc.)
  • Raw vegetables (carrots, celery, cucumbers, peppers, etc.)
  • Cheese (cubed, shredded, spreadable, etc.)
  • A soft bar or a pancake
  • Crackers
  • Dried fruits
  • Yogurt
  • Compote
  • Plain popcorn
  • A muffin

The wardrobe to renew

Has your child grown again since last year and his fall-winter clothes no longer fit him? To help you renew his wardrobe efficiently and avoid unnecessary purchases, take the time to fill out this little tip which will certainly give you a valuable helping hand during your shopping!

Ah, homework...

Soon , there's no escaping it, the homework routine will take over again! To prepare for it and ensure that your children are independent when it comes time to do their work, the homework autonomy station is the tool you need! Place all the items your children need in a bin or a rolling cart so that they can work optimally, without having to constantly search for their materials throughout the house! And, because we like to make your job easier, we have listed in this little trick all the objects that should be there. (To have easy access to this little trick at all times on your cell phone, download our Octave application!) Don't forget to take inventory at least twice during the year to make sure nothing has been lost along the way!

Our tips in bulk to ensure concentration

  • Ensure you have a clean and tidy work environment
  • Vary tasks to keep the child's attention
  • Divide the work into several small steps and make a checklist of the tasks to be completed.
  • Promoting learning through play
  • Take regular breaks, especially during long work sessions.
  • Use a timer to set a clear time limit for homework time
  • Working in a quiet environment

Our tips for homework that’s not boring

To review vocabulary words:

  • Write them on a window, a dry erase board or on the bathroom mirror
  • Trace the letters in the sand or a plate filled with flour
  • Write them using magnetic letters placed on a board or the refrigerator
  • Playing hangman
  • Spell words while jumping on a trampoline or running around the house

To review mathematics:

  • Review multiplication and division tables using dice, dominoes or playing cards
  • Cooking recipes to learn fractions
  • Playing board games where you have to count
  • Counting with cereal, macaroni or candy

Important school information

You know, all that important information that you are given at the start of the school year to keep safe? Don't lose it anymore thanks to this reminder that you can keep handy in your family organization binder. Don't have the binder yet? Get it now or simply display the sheet on your family dashboard!

Are you more of the type to write everything down on your cell phone, so you always have your lists and important information at hand and can easily share them with other members of your family? Find all the lists mentioned and more ready to use on our Octave application !