Seasonal guides: the ideal tool so you don't forget anything!
16 February, 2023
Because we are committed to lightening your mental load, we have created a comprehensive tool for our subscribers to Belles Combines Magazine that will allow you to not forget any of the tasks to be carried out each season depending on the time of year . At the beginning of each season, receive a list of everything that needs to be accomplished in each of the different departments of family life:
Tips for Using Seasonal Guides to Their Full Potential
- Because it is of course impossible to do everything, first take a moment to go through the list of tasks and select those that you want to accomplish and that suit your family reality .
- In the adjacent column, check the month of the season when you think you can complete the task in question . Would you like the task done, but don't have the time or skills to do it? Instead, check the "To delegate" box and schedule a time to find the appropriate resource.
- Then use your monthly family planner to write down the times now when you actually plan to do the task.
- When the task is completed, feel the satisfaction of a job well done by taking the time to check the “Done” box on your seasonal guide.
Tools to download
Don't forget to download every month all the tools that will help you accomplish the tasks of the season more easily. For example, for winter, find the following little tips for free with your guide:
- One Piece/Month Kitchen Challenge
- Shelf life of perishable foods
- Cumulative financial statement
- Birthday Calendar
- Winter kit for the car
- Germ Survival Kit
These tools, in addition to making your task much easier, can then be classified by department in your family organization binder so that you can find them easily and use them quickly when necessary.
Our seasonal guides are available every month in our Magazine!
Would you like to have the chance to consult all the content published in the Magazine each month in preview, and to have access to our Toolbox including among other things free downloads as practical as they are fun? Subscribe to Belles Combines Magazine now!