Just as it is important for business leaders to have the tools to improve their performance management and work-life balance, as well as being able to recognize and negotiate with the diverse needs of employees within their organization, it is of course equally important to achieve this within one's family.
In this sense, effective communication and planning can often help manage these varied needs present in different family members , even parents, for whom it is also necessary to recognize and express their own needs to avoid frustration and burnout.
Furthermore, as there is a cultural shift in parenting styles and work environments that places greater emphasis on listening and negotiation, flexibility, collaboration and negotiation in managing family and work needs are becoming increasingly important . Finally, it is equally important that parents, in addition to coordinating the family's activities and needs, take into account their own needs to maintain a healthy balance.
Want to learn more about the different ways to adopt a balanced and collaborative approach that will harmoniously meet the needs of everyone in the family ? Listen to this discussion between Julie, from De Saison, and Dominique, President of Les Belles Combines!
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